
CGCM3 predictors: A2 and A1B experiments

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The third version of the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma) Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM3), use the same ocean component as CGCM2, but it makes use of the substantially updated atmospheric component AGCM3 (Atmospheric Canadian GCM, version 3).

The CGCM3 model data is an improvement on previous models, mainly updated through introductions to the atmospheric component, which include: CLASS, a new module for treatment of the land surface processes; new treatment of water vapour transport; and cumulus parameterization. The CGCM3 upper air variables were archived at every 6 hours and defined on a spectral grid (T47) with 31 vertical ETA15 levels (top at ~ 50 km). The surface and near-surface variables are defined at daily scale on a global Gaussian grid of 96 lon. x 48 lat. grid cells (3.75° lon. x ~ 3.75° lat.). Upper level variables, available on standard pressure levels and every 6-hours, have been interpolated onto the Gaussian grid (see table 1 for the grid-box definition), and then aggregated at daily scale. The diagnostic surface pressure (SP) variable, archived every 6-hours, has also been averaged on a daily basis.

The CGCM3 T47 historical simulation and future runs together cover the entire period from 1961 to 2100 (1961-2000 and 2001-2100, for current and future time windows, respectively). Datasets for the future period follow two SRES GHG+A scenarios A2 and A1B.

Click here to obtain the grid definition. The latitude and longitude coordinates correspond approximately to the centres of the grid boxes.

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Drag and drop the red marker to your location of interest or input decimal latitude/longitude, then click "Retrieve Data".

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