
Definitions of statistically downscaled agroclimatic indices

There are 49 statistically downscaled climate indices

Index Definition Unit
Hot days (Tmax > 25°C)

Number of days with maximum temperature above 25°C

Hot days (Tmax > 30°C)

Number of days with maximum temperature above 30°C

Hot days (Tmax > 33°C)

Number of days with maximum temperature above 33°C

Hot days (Tmax > 35°C)

Number of days with maximum temperature above 35°C

Hot days (Tmax > 37°C)

Number of days with maximum temperature above 37°C

Hot nights (Tmin > 18°C)

Number of days with minimum temperature above 18°C

Hot nights (Tmin > 20°C)

Number of days with minimum temperature above 20°C

Hot nights (Tmin > 22°C)

Number of days with minimum temperature above 22°C

Hot nights (Tmin > 25°C)

Number of days with minimum temperature above 25°C

Cold days (Tmin < -15°C)

Number of days with minimum temperature below -15°C

Cold days (Tmin < -20°C)

Number of days with minimum temperature below -20°C

Cold days (Tmin < -25°C)

Number of days with minimum temperature below -25°C

Cold days (Tmin < -30°C)

Number of days with minimum temperature below -30°C

Hot spell days (Tmax consecutive 3 day > 25°C)

The total number of days with a maximum temperature above 25°C during a hot spell. A hot spell is defined as 3 or more consecutive hot days.

Hot spell days (Tmax consecutive 3 day > 30°C)

The total number of days with a maximum temperature above 30°C during a hot spell. A hot spell is defined as 3 or more consecutive hot days.

Hot spell days (Tmax consecutive 3 day > 33°C)

The total number of days with a maximum temperature above 33°C during a hot spell. A hot spell is defined as 3 or more consecutive hot days.

Hot spell days (Tmax consecutive 3 day > 35°C)

The total number of days with a maximum temperature above 35°C during a hot spell. A hot spell is defined as 3 or more consecutive hot days.

Hot spell days (Tmax consecutive 3 day > 37°C)

The total number of days with a maximum temperature above 37°C during a hot spell. A hot spell is defined as 3 or more consecutive hot days.

Longest hot spell days (where Tmax > 25°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the maximum temperature was consecutively above 25°C.

Longest hot spell days (where Tmax > 30°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the maximum temperature was consecutively above 30°C.

Longest hot spell days (where Tmax > 33°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the maximum temperature was consecutively above 33°C.

Longest hot spell days (where Tmax > 35°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the maximum temperature was consecutively above 35°C.

Longest hot spell days (where Tmax > 37°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the maximum temperature was consecutively above 37°C.

Longest hot spell nights (where Tmin > 18°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the minimum temperature was consecutively above 18°C.

Longest hot spell nights (where Tmin > 20°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the minimum temperature was consecutively above 20°C.

Longest hot spell nights (where Tmin > 22°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the minimum temperature was consecutively above 22°C.

Longest hot spell nights (where Tmin > 25°C)

The number of days of the longest hot spell where the minimum temperature was consecutively above 25°C.

Hot day and night

The number of days with a maximum temperature above 30°C and a minimum temperature above 20°C in the same day.

Frost free days

The period between the last observed occurrence of frost (minimum temperature below 0°C) in the spring and the first observed occurrence of frost in the autumn

Killing frost free days

The period between the last observed occurrence of killing frost (minimum temperature below -2°C) in the spring and the first observed occurrence of killing frost in the autumn

Heating degree days

The number of degrees Celsius that a day’s average temperature is below 18°C, accumulated over the heating season

Cooling degree days

The number of degrees Celsius that a day’s average temperature is above 18°C, accumulated over the cooling season

Number of days with precipitation > 1mm

Number of days with precipitation > 1mm /day

Number of days with precipitation ≥ 10mm

Number of days with precipitation ≥ 10mm/day

Cool season annual one-day maximum precipitation

The maximum precipitation in one day per annual cool season.

Warm season annual one-day maximum precipitation

The maximum precipitation in one day per annual warm season.

Overwintering annual one-day maximum precipitation

The maximum precipitation in one day per annual overwintering.

Cool season annual ten-day maximum precipitation

The maximum precipitation accumulated over ten days per annual cool season.

Warm season annual ten-day maximum precipitation

The maximum precipitation accumulated over ten days per annual warm season.

Overwintering annual ten-day maximum precipitation

The maximum precipitation accumulated over ten days per annual overwintering.

Length of growing season for cool season crops

The number of days between the cool season’s start and end dates:

Start: When the weighted 5 day mean temperature ≥ 5°C has been reached for five consecutive days in first half of the year.

End: When the weighted 5 day mean daily maximum temperature ≥ 30°C has been reached for five consecutive days in July or August, or August 31, whichever occurs earlier.

Length of growing season for warm season crops

The number of days between the warm season’s start and end dates:

Start: When the weighted 5 day mean temperature ≥ 10°C has been reached for five consecutive days in first half of the year.

End: When the weighted 5 day mean temperature has dropped and stayed below 10°C in second half of the year.

Length of growing season for overwintering crops

The number of days between the overwintering start and end dates:

Start: When the weighted 5 day mean temperature ≥ 5°C has been reached for five consecutive days in first half of the year.

End: When the weighted 5 day mean temperature has dropped and stayed below 5°C in second half of the year.

Cool season crop heat units

The accumulated daily Crop Heat Units (CHU) within the cool growing season.

Daily CHU = (Ymax + Ymin)/2
where Ymax = 3.33(Tmax - 10) - 0.084(Tmax - 10)2 for
Tmax ≥ 10°C, and Ymin = 95(Tmin - 4.4) for Tmin ≥ 4.4°C

Heat unit
Warm season crop heat units

The accumulated daily Crop Heat Units (CHU) within the warm growing season.

Daily CHU = (Ymax + Ymin)/2
where Ymax = 3.33(Tmax - 10) - 0.084(Tmax - 10)2 for
Tmax ≥ 10°C, and Ymin = 95(Tmin - 4.4) for Tmin ≥ 4.4°C

Heat unit
Overwintering crop heat units

The accumulated daily Crop Heat Units (CHU) within the overwintering season.

Daily CHU = (Ymax + Ymin)/2
where Ymax = 3.33(Tmax - 10) - 0.084(Tmax - 10)2 for
Tmax ≥ 10°C, and Ymin = 95(Tmin - 4.4) for Tmin ≥ 4.4°C

Heat unit
Cool season effective growing degree days

The accumulated daily growing degree days (GDD) values within the cool growing season multiplied by a day length factor (DLF) that equals 1.0 when the latitude (LAT) is below 49°N and 1.18 higher than 61°N. DLF = -19.3257 + 1.158643(LAT) - 0.022107689(LAT)2 + 0.0001413685(LAT)3

Daily growing degree days (GDD): GDD= Tmax+ Tmin2- CTmin if Tmax +Tmin 2CTmi n

CTmin: 5°C for cool season crops

Warm season effective growing degree days

The accumulated daily growing degree days (GDD) values within the warm growing season multiplied by a day length factor (DLF) that equals 1.0 when the latitude (LAT) is below 49°N and 1.18 higher than 61°N. DLF = -19.3257 + 1.158643(LAT) - 0.022107689(LAT)2 + 0.0001413685(LAT)3

Daily growing degree days (GDD): GDD= Tmax+ Tmin2- CTmin if Tmax +Tmin 2CTmi n

CTmin: 10°C for warm season crops

Overwintering effective growing degree days

The accumulated daily growing degree days (GDD) values within the overwintering growing season multiplied by a day length factor (DLF) that equals 1.0 when the latitude (LAT) is below 49°N and 1.18 higher than 61°N. DLF = -19.3257 + 1.158643(LAT) - 0.022107689(LAT)2 + 0.0001413685(LAT)3

Daily growing degree days (GDD): GDD= Tmax+ Tmin2- CTmin if Tmax +Tmin 2CTmi n

CTmin: 5°C for overwintering crops


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