
Seasonal forecasts

Access seasonal forecasts produced by the Canadian seasonal prediction system. These include probabilistic seasonal forecasts of temperature, precipitation, sea surface temperature, snow water equivalent, surface solar radiation, cloud fraction and specific humidity for Canada, as well as global forecasts of temperature and precipitation. Temperature and precipitation probabilistic and deterministic forecasts, verification charts, numerical data, and observations of sea surface temperature anomalies and snow cover are available here.

About the Canadian seasonal prediction system

Canadian Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction System (CanSIPS) is a long-term prediction system whose objective is to forecast the evolution of global climate conditions over the next 12 months. CanSIPS predictions are based on ensembles of 10 forecasts from each of two coupled atmosphere-ocean-land physical climate models developed by the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma) and Numerical Research Division (RPN-Dorval).

Seasonal temperature forecasts for Canada

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