
Updates and errata

Table of updates (2016-2023)

Page Item Date
CMIP6 global gridded datasets The precipitation gridded data multi-model mean ensembles have been updated. This affects all users who downloaded these datasets prior to September 18 2023. 2023-09
CMIP6 sea surface variables Global gridded sea surface datasets of dissolved inorganic carbon concentration, pH, sea surface salinity, total alkalinity, and sea surface temperature are available for download. 2023-08
CMIP6 sea ice variables for multi-model graphics, tables, and datasets Sea ice concentration and sea ice thickness are now available as part of the CMIP6 suite of models and associated multi-model ensembles. 2023-08
CMIP6 MBCn Statistically Downscaled Climate Scenarios (CanDCS-M6) CMIP6 statistically downscaled climate scenarios calculated with a multivariate method (CanDCS-M6). 2023-08
CMIP6 MBCn Statistically Downscaled Climate Indices (CanDCS-M6) Climate indices (Climdex indices) based on CMIP6 statistically downscaled climate scenarios calculated with a multivariate method (CanDCS-M6). 2023-08
CMIP6 statistically downscaled agroclimatic indices Climatic and agroclimatic indices based on CMIP6 statistically downscaled climate scenarios calculated with a univariate method (CanDCS-U6). 2023-08
CMIP6 BCCAQv2 statistically downscaled climate datasets (CanDCS-U6) The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) has re-run simulations for three models (HadGEM3-GC31-LL, UKESM1-0-LL, and KACE-1-0-G) in CanDCS-U6. Please see the technical notes for more details. 2023-08
User guide for seasonal forecasts New user guidance document detailing how to use and interpret seasonal forecasts provided on CCDS. 2023-04
New CMIP6 variables for multi-model graphics, tables, and datasets Additional variables including near-surface wind speed, and snow depth are now available as part of the CMIP6 suite of models and associated multi-model ensembles. 2023-04
CMIP5 Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index data SPEI results fitted with Pearson Type 3 distribution are available for download. 2023-04
Seasonal forecasts The interactive overlay data and downloadable data on the seasonal forecasts for Canada page now uses a different method of interpolation, to improve alignment between probability categories. Additionally, sea surface temperature data was improperly masked, and should now be available for a larger area. These changes do not affect the global seasonal forecast data, the city table, or the graphics. 2022-12
Canadian regional climate model datasets Dynamically downscaled Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) datasets for Canada and North America. 2022-07
CMIP6 BCCAQv2 Statistically Downscaled Climate Scenarios (CanDCS-U6) Statistically downscaled global climate model (GCM) data from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) are available for download. 2022-07
CMIP6 BCCAQv2 Statistically Downscaled Climate Indices (CanDCS-U6) Statistically downscaled climate indices related to temperature, precipitation, and degree days are available for download. The indices are based on global climate models (GCMs) that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). 2022-07
CMIP6 multi-model graphics, tables, and datasets Maps, time series plots and datasets, summary tables, and global gridded datasets of projected annual and seasonal change in temperature and precipitation are available. 2021-12
CMIP6 predictors A subset of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) global climate model (GCMs) daily predictor variables are available for download. 2021-12
Plain Language Summary of the Climate-Resilient Buildings And Core Public Infrastructure Report New general summary of the “Climate-Resilient Buildings and Core Public Infrastructure: an assessment of the impact of climate change on climatic design data in Canada” (CRBCPI) report. 2021-12
Climate-Resilient Buildings and Core Public Infrastructure report New report called, Climate-Resilient Buildings and Core Public Infrastructure report: An assessment of the impact of climate change on climatic design data in Canada, is available online. 2020-10
Global climate model sea surface datasets Multi-model sea surface datasets based on global climate model projections are available. Variables include: dissolved inorganic carbon concentration at surface; pH at surface; sea surface salinity; total alkalinity at surface; sea surface temperature. 2020-06
Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin - annual 2019 bulletin dataset Data used in the annual 2019 climate trends and variations bulletin is available. Included are tables listing the annual regional and national temperature departures and rankings from 1948 to present and summarizing the annual regional and national trends and extremes. Similar tables will be available for future bulletins. 2020-02
Blended snow water equivalent and snow cover fraction datasets Observation-based datasets of monthly snow cover fraction (SCF), monthly snow water equivalent (SWE), and annual maximum snow water equivalent (SWEmax) over Canada for 1981-2016 are available for download. 2019-12
Historical climate indices Derived historical temperature and precipitation indices based on daily adjusted and homogenized climate datasets are available for download through a user-friendly interface. 2019-12
Canada's Changing Climate Report supplemental datasets Datasets of multi-model temperature and precipitation projections for Canada for 2031-2050 under the low-emission (RCP2.6) and high emission (RCP8.5) scenarios are available for download. 2019-12
Seasonal forecasts Starting August 1 2019, seasonal forecasts are produced using an updated numerical weather prediction model. Please see this technical document for more details. 2019-08
CMIP5 Graphics and Tables The table of projected changes in temperature for December-February (specifically for 75th percentile) and tables of projected changes in snow depth have been updated. This affects all users who have referred to these tables prior to July 17 2019. 2019-07
Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) datasets calculated using global climate model projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) are available for download. 2019-04
CMIP5 BCCAQv2 Statistically Downscaled Climate Indices (CanDCS-U5) Statistically downscaled climate indices related to temperature, precipitation and agroclimate are available for download. The indices are based on model projections from 24 global climate models (GCMs) that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). 2019-04
CMIP5 BCCAQv2 Statistically Downscaled Climate Scenarios (CanDCS-U5) Statistically downscaled climate model data based on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) model output are now available. The data was downscaled using the Bias Correction/Constructed Analogues with Quantile mapping version 2 (BCCAQv2). 2018-11
Seasonal forecasts

Seasonal forecasts, including national and global probabilistic forecasts of temperature, precipitation, sea surface temperature, snow water equivalent, surface solar radiation, cloud fraction and specific humidity, are available

CMIP5 Graphics and Tables Maps, time series plots and tables of projected annual change in temperature, precipitation, snow depth, sea ice concentration, sea ice thickness and wind speed are available. 2016-10
CMIP5 Graphics and Tables and CMIP5 Gridded Data The variables, sea ice thickness, sea ice concentration, snow depth, and near-surface wind speed, are available. 2016-04
CMIP5 Graphics and Tables

The table of projected changes in precipitation for June-August have been updated (specifically for RCP 8.5, 75th percentile). This affects all users who have referred to this table prior to February 12 2016.


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